(Note: I couldn't find the original images that were in this email. I made them back when AI art was cool)
Oh hey, didn't see you there. You wanna hear about San Diego, do ya? I bet we could work out a deal... You send someone a message that Christ loves them and we'll continue. Otherwise, this is where we part ways. I'm glad to see that phone out, yep! Type up that message. Perfect, hit the send button, annnnnnd done. Thank you for your purchase. Let's get into it.
Okay, no more dark and creepy. It's crazy how big of a difference an image and some text can make to your mood! That's why you gotta choose the best books! One of my favorite books is Exodus in the Old Testament, specifically the first few chapters. It has one of the coolest and one of the most relatable stories in all the scriptures; the story of Moses. Now, my boi is just tending to his sheep, walking around the mountain when he sees something pretty neat. He sees a bush that's on fire, but it's not burning!
That's pretty crazy, but what's more crazy is that the bush speaks the word of God! Absolutely wild experience. But this bush didn't bring pleasantries, it gave Moses a commandment. Hey Moses, please go cripple the Egyptian economy by freeing the source of it. Oh, and ask politely, please! God has asked the impossible of Moses, and Moses has a perfectly valid response in Exodus 3.
Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
Who do you think I am? I'm just a man, and I also happen to be a fugitive in Egypt. I don't think you see examples of the prophets fearing very often in the scriptures, but we see the human response of fear that Moses has when facing the impossible. But silly Moses, he forgot who's team he's playing on. He's playing for Jesus, Jehovah, our redeemer.
Certainly I will be with thee
Moses has the biggest advantage ever given to man-kind; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How convenient! When the creator of this world said says he wants something done, you can bet your bottom dollar that it will happen! He wanted those Israelites free, and so he provided a way. Through the many plagues and miracles, we can read about the love and power of God for his children. Just think about it, the same God that can create worlds happens to be the father of your spirit! It's like if my Dad was the CEO of Apple, but way better.
God has asked his missionaries to gather his sheep. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news, and the world needs to hear it. Sometimes that may seem impossible, and many times I ask the burning bush who He thinks He's talking to. I'm just a 19 y/o kid! But God's promise rings true even today, that He will be with me as I do His work. And with that in mind, I'll share a bit of what I did this week.
We've spent a lot of time advertising our ASL class this week. There's a small park near our apartment called Balboa Park that seems to always be busy. So we write 'Free 1 Minute ASL Class' on it and head off to stand next to all the other vendors. We get a lot of people to come up to us and learn a little bit, and then we invite them to come to our weekly class on Sunday nights. Just as a community outreach and service, we try and teach people how to communicate with deaf people. It also helps establish the missionaries in the deaf community. We've also tried holding our sign at La Jolla Cove with less success.
This week we also got to do a service project! There was a high school that gave out Thanksgiving dinners to families all around, and we got to hand them out as they drove through the parking garage. It was amazing to see how grateful the families were to have the extra food. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve them this time of year and share the love that Christ feels for his people.
Don't even worry about the work in San Diego! This is God's work, if he wanted X or Y to happen he definitely would just like with the Israelites. But just like his promise to Moses on Mount Sanai, he will be with me. As I strive to find God's deaf children and help them covenant with Him, I'll have all the help I need, straight from heaven; 0 day shipping. And now I flip it to you, my brothers and sisters. God is at the head of your lives, and as long as you trust in Him and remember the promise he made to all of us, you can truly feel the happiness that the Gospel gives to us. That's a promise from your boi Elder Coxson.
Moses remembered the Israelites in their greatest time of need, escaping the Egyptian army. He parted the Red Sea back then, and his power is just as great today. Whatever your problems be, remember Him.
I love all y'all, have an amazing Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas as well, it's that time of the year.
-- Elder Coxson
P.S. I was playing with an AI image generator, that's why there's a bunch of pictures in my email this time